I wanted to take an opportunity to discuss one of Summit’s most exciting new initiatives, the Summit Exchange Program. Many of you know that…
Recently, I was reviewing this year’s progress with a long-time Summit Member. This year, his company will do approximately $2.5m in revenue.…
This is the time of year when all of your hard work pays off; the projects are well underway, you have cash in the bank and the phones are still…
Recently, I read a great book called The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever, By Michael Bungay Stanier. It…
With the busy season upon us, hopefully, you are now starting to see what I call, “the turn in cash”. What I mean by that is this: you’ve…
When I started Nolan Painting in 1979, I did so with one intention: supporting my lifestyle. As time went on, that lifestyle went from trying to…
Recently, a few members of the Summit team attended a Crucial Conversations seminar where we were reminded of the importance of body language. At…
Many of my coaching conversations involve discussions about employees, and whether or not they can change. Can they become the ideal employee we…
So, you just got back from a great conference, or workshop, or speaker. What great content! So many great ideas! You talk about it with your team…
Ask anyone on my team what my most important value is and they’ll say Enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is contagious. To me, an enthusiastic employee is…