By this time in December, we at Nolan Consulting Group have worked with our clients using our Cascading Planning Process (CPP) to make sure the…
Rocket Fuel by Gino Wickman and Mark Winters does a deep dive into two roles in a business: Visionary and Integrator. This powerful combination…
Reading this book crystalized that leadership is a valuable quality in any arena. Heads of State, CEOs, business owners, both large and small,…
Thank you to Jordan Roark from CompanyCam for this special Blog Post! To learn more about CompanyCam…
By now most contractors know that experienced craftsmen are in short supply. The sooner we all realize that the only solution is to hire good…
Throughout the 1970s, Stanford University researchers conducted an experiment centered around delayed gratification. You may know it as: “The…
About a year ago I wrote a paper on “The Best Version of Myself”. Since then I have incorporated the “Best Version” concept into my life…
We probably don’t need to tell you that recruiting is one of the biggest challenges most contractors face these days. In fact, at Nolan…
What makes a top-performing salesperson different? How do they think? How to they behave? Follow along with Jim Falk and Brian Nolan as they…
All that is involved in hiring, training, and leading a team sometimes wonder why a particular person may not fit in a role or be able to perform…