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Innovations in Construction Management with busybusy 

With the rapidly evolving digital landscape and emergence of new technology over the last several years, we have seen such a positive impact on the Trades Industry as businesses aim to embrace and harness these tools for greater efficiency and data-decision making opportunities. 

In a recent Episode (#208) of Out of the Hourglass, Host Molly Nolan invited Christi Fabela, the Director of Product Optimization at busybusy by Align Technologies for an insightful discussion about the evolving landscape of the construction industry and how emerging technologies like busybusy are shining a light on how to use real time information and productivity results to enhance data-driven decision making strategies that are reshaping the sector.


Christi Fabela, Director of Product Optimization
The Evolution of a Tool 

The conversation began with a discussion about busybusy, a tool that was initially developed as a time tracking tool for Excavators, built by Excavators FOR Excavators, and now has grown into a comprehensive solution for the

 construction industry. As a part of the Align Technologies suite of operational tools, including workforce time tracking, safety reporting, asset management and fleet management, busybusy continues to develop into an invaluable solution to any construction business.

To learn more about busybusy by Align Technologies, visit 

To learn more about Align Technologies, visit 

Data-Driven Decision Making 

A significant portion of the discussion revolved around the crucial role of data in modern construction management and how transparency and data sharing within organizations can foster a sense of ownership and engagement among employees.

They emphasized the value of data that technology can now provide and its impact on a variety of factors that small business owners deal with everyday, not limited to:

  • Effective risk management
  • Analyzing job site behaviors
  • Equipment utilization rates
  • Labor productivity metrics


When we actually have this data, GOOD data, the ability to make informed decisions and develop best practices for our organization’s operations becomes a game changer in success. 

Whether it’s identifying slivers of opportunity to tighten up flagged operational issues, reducing time theft or enhancing compliance with regulations, the bottom line is that these items, do in fact, impact the bottom line of your company’s profitability.

Data Helps Create the Financial Story

At Nolan Consulting Group, we are passionate about the Financial Health of the businesses we work with, the financial reports ARE the story of your business’s operational activities. When our Business Coaches review numbers with our clients on a monthly basis, actuals vs. budget, and look for patterns of disruption or efficiency, we focus on asking questions and peeling back responses to understand why and how things went wrong… or hopefully in most cases, went right! … Let’s do more of what’s good, says Christi!

Using technology with real-time data, like that can come from busybusy, is such an integral tool and enhances what we do at Nolan Consulting Group. It allows for the correct data to be pulled into those financial reports for analysis and strategy overview, but more importantly, it’s helping businesses identify and course correct issues BEFORE they become a red flag on the larger monthly P&L statement.  

The earlier you can catch issues, that if left unchecked could have negative financial consequences OR flagging risky behavior that is not aligned with your company’s Safety’ standards, will ultimately prove to be invaluable for staying competitive in the modern construction landscape.

Looking Ahead & Peer Connections

From leveraging data for decision-making to embracing new technologies for improved efficiency, it’s clear that the sector is on the cusp of a digital revolution. With so much potential integration among different platforms to create comprehensive solutions, Christi and Molly both are optimistic about the new entrepreneurial energy and industry growth.   

However, with all the new technology and automation excitement, we must not forget that it’s the people and human connection that must stay at the forefront. Small Business Owners should lean into sharing best practices and embrace the value of connectivity with their peers. For our Summit Members, this means ongoing learning and development opportunities, topical peer groups, Mastermind Groups, Workshops & more. 

Being a business owner, especially within the Trades, can be extremely challenging and isolating. The more we can encourage organizations to learn from each other, ask questions and share challenges, AND use technology for data-driven decision making, the greater and more successful this industry as a whole will be.

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