Category: Business Management
As the COVID-19 situation continues to spiral and uproot every aspect of normal life, we’re all leaning into what it means to adapt – because…
It’s that time of year again! The days are shorter, it gets dark at 4:30 and the phones are quieting down. Sounds like it’s time to work on a…
While hard to believe, we’re halfway through 2015… Are you accomplishing your goals? Are you focused? Do you know what winning looks…
Through the years, many companies attribute a big part of their success to the fact that they have in place a training program that drives the…
That’s a bold statement! If I didn’t believe it, I wouldn’t be a business owner. Here’s the main reason: from the very beginning, a…
Over the last month, both Nolan Painting, Inc. and Summit Services, Inc. completed their 2013 business plans and budgets. Every year I am…
This weekend I was reading a book called Leading Change, by John P. Kotter. There was an entire chapter dedicated to why companies fail at…
What does it take to be a good leader? What does it take to be a good manager? If you are a good leader, doesn’t that mean you are a good…
This year we hosted our annual Fall Grand Summit conference in the Bahamas. One of the topics we covered was how to grow leaders within your…
I am always thinking about the future. So much so, that my wife is constantly telling me, “just focus on the here and now.” There is truth…